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The Legend of Camp Chief Little Turtle...

...Long ago, a young man discovered white men clearing the land and building log homes along the Pigeon River. Concerned, he spoke with the tribe's Medicine Man who told him to fast and cleanse his body. After several days, the Great Spirit appeared to the young man in the form of a Great Blue Heron. 
The Heron told him to craft a bow and four arrows, each with a different color arrow head. One was to be white, one yellow, one black, and one red. From the highest hill, he was to shoot the arrows in the four directions, north, south, east and west. The land would one day return to the state it was during the time of the Indians. 
In the 1960's, the Anthony Wayne Area Council Boy Scouts were seeking a new camp. Hearing of a property north of Fort Wayne, the committee went to visit. While walking the east boundary, a stone caught the eye of Bill Hall and Dr. Art Hoffman. Digging it out, they discovered a black arrowhead. Taking this as a good sign, the board bought the property.
While building the south entrance, Cook Lockheed discovered a yellow arrowhead. And most recently, Ranger Jack Zeiger found a white arrowhead nestled in the roots of a tree while clearing the site at Deer Camp on the North end. The fourth arrowhead is believed to be in Wilderness Camp on the west side. 
While the fourth arrowhead has never been found, our quest continues. It has come to symbolize reaching for lofty goals, gaining new knowledge and working together with our friends and fellow Scouts. All of this is done while having fun and testing our Scouting skills. 

© 2024 Jack Zeiger

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